
Five Day Weather Forecast for Costa del Sol in Spain.

Most likely, it’s sunny.  But just in case it isn’t, here’s the five-day forecast for the Costa Del Sol.

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Costa del Sol Weather

With an average of 320 days of sunshine per year, the chances are it’s sunny here on the Costa.  The ‘winter’ lasts for around 10-12 weeks, from December to February, but we’ve seen many a happy visitor in t-shirt and shorts, well up to Christmas.

Once Spring (‘prima vera’, or ‘first green’) starts, temperatures begin to rise and by April, it’s lovely.   During the summer months, the heat can get a little oppressive – particularly if you have to work.  Baking in 40+ degree temperatures if you little more than relax on the balcony with a tall drink, is about as good as it gets.

Sun Burn

You can still suffer from sun burn even on a cloudy day.  It´s about the UV rays, not the direct heat from the sun.  UV can penetrate a cloud covering, so it´s important to wear good sunscreen even on a cloudy day.  If you´re going swimming, don´t forget to reapply the sun cream when you get out of the water.  Even water resistant cream needs a top up.


This is a very dry area during the summer months – you can see that in the natural vegetation.  Sometimes there are water shortages, but bottled water is plentiful and it shouldn´t upset your routine or holiday.


Apart from the higher mountains of the Sierra Nevada behind Granada, this is one of those places where a little snow causes local newspapers to print photos of locals pointing at snow.  If skiing is your thing, the season generally runs from the end of November to the beginning of May.